About Preferred Visions

Welcome To Preferred Visions

Preferred Visions, LLC is a Des Moines-based management consulting and training firm helping organizations solve problems and create solutions. We have over 38 years worth of experience helping people cope with changing business, regulatory, economic, demographic and political environments. Preferred Visions specializes in helping executives, managers, policy makers, and other leaders develop perspective, as well as a strategic way of thinking and communicating, both inside and outside their respective organizations.  Currently our work is focused on helping advance the fields of before and after school programs, service-learning, and Community Education programs while still working with our traditional client base.

Our company is committed to helping clients evaluate and monitor internal and external change, as well as design strategies to make an organization more vital, creative, and forward-looking.  Preferred Visions has experience doing this and has created successful results with:

  • small and large organizations
  • public and private sectors
  • local, regional, county, state & federal governments
  • political campaigns & lobbying

Because problems are unique to each organization, consultations are directed toward the specific climate and context of the client and their organization.  Preferred Visions offers a wide range of services to boards, organizations, and agencies deigned to meet a client’s individual need, including:  Facilitation, Leadership, and Consultation.


  1. Strategic Planning or Visioning
  2. Policy Development and Analysis
  3. Team Leadership Problem Solving4
  4. Consumer or Advisory Groups Formation
  5. Partnership Collaborations


  1. One-on-one Mentoring/Coaching
  2. Leadership Skill Enhancement
  3. Community Education or Community Engagement
  4. K-12 State Education Administration
  5. Strategy Development for Before and Afterschool Programs
  6. Strategy Development for Service-Learning


  1. Organizational Transformation
  2. Federal and State Grant Management
  3. Creating a Preferred Vision
  4. Professional Development or Training Design
  5. Conference and Workshop Design