“I have known Joe for the last 8 years through his prior work with the Iowa Department of Education. His ability to sort through often confusing federal legislation, statutes, and guidelines by taking them apart and making sense of them for public school officials in his state, as well as for me and our colleagues across the country, speaks to his significant skill set as well as his passion for kids….. I have had several occasions to take advantage of Joe’s expertise in statewide program development and evaluation over the years…. Joe’s temperament and good nature makes him highly sought after as a content expert, and as a mentor. “
Steve Fernan, Assistant Director
Student Services, Prevention and Wellness Team
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Have a question? Want more information? Please feel free to contact us. There are multiple ways to reach us and there is no cost or obligation regarding your inquiry.
Preferred Visions
2512 Countryside Place
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265-7641
Phone: 515-225-3650
Email: joe@preferredvisions.com